Counselor's Corner
Mrs. Jenna Clark, MEd LPC-A, CSC
AES Counselor
About Mrs. Clark:
Graduate of North Central Texas College, Gainesville, Texas in 2008
Graduate of Texas Woman's University, Denton, Texas in 2009
Graduate of Lamar University, Beaumont, Texas in 2015
Associates of Science in General Studies
Bachelors of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies with a minor in Elementary Education
Masters of Education in School Counseling
Licensed Professional Counselor Associate (LPC-A)
National Counselor Examination (NCC)
Counseling and Development Certified through Lamar University (CACREP)
SBEC Certifications: School Counselor K-12, Gifted and Talented, English as a Second Language, Special Education K-12, Generalist EC-4, Generalist 4-8
This is my eighteenth year in education! I have taught 2nd through 12th grade, mainly science, and I have been a counselor at the elementary, middle school, and high school levels. This will be my 3rd year at AES, and my 10th year in the district. I am also a Licensed Professional Counselor Associate and see clients outside of the school setting.
Counseling Services
What do elementary school counselors do?
Teach classroom guidance lessons
Facilitate short-term small group counseling
Provide immediate and short-term individual counseling
Work collaboratively with teachers and staff
Consult with parents
Provide information and/or referrals for community resources to families

Contact Info:
PH: 940-427-2881 ext. 1014
Facebook: @AESJClark
Why do we need elementary school counselors?
A deliberate and comprehensive approach to teaching children social and
emotional skills can raise their grades and test scores, increase
enthusiasm for learning, reduce behavior problems, and enhance cognitive
Students who receive social skills instruction do better academically
and socially but the reverse is not true (academic instruction does not
increase social/emotional skills).
There is a strong connection between emotions and learning. Students
who can recognize and manage strong emotions are better learners.
Students who attend schools with a comprehensive guidance program do
significantly better on standardized tests such as the ITBS and STAAR
than students who attend schools without a comprehensive guidance
program. The longer the students are in schools with comprehensive
guidance programs, the more they outperform their peers on standardized
behaviors exhibited by students in the classroom were found to be better
predictors of academic achievement than were their standardized test
Here is a short video about what school counselors do:
Guidance lessons are an integral part of the elementary school counseling program and important to every students' academic success. One of the most effective ways for school counselors to help prevent academic problems is by discussing self-esteem issues such as peer relationships, stress, or dealing with feelings and emotions in large group guidance lessons in the classroom. The lessons are preventative in nature, designed to reach all students, and are taught in the classroom regularly by the counselor.
To learn more details about the specific curricula and programs used in the guidance lessons, please view the section 'Curricula and Programs'.
The purpose of small group counseling is to complement and enhance students' learning by improving their perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors. Small group counseling provides a safe setting where children, along with their peers, can increase their self awareness and improve their cooperation and communication skills. The children can learn from each other. Ultimately the goal of small group counseling is to prevent problems in the future by teaching children new skills. Every child can benefit from participation in a small group. Students can be invited to join a group by parent request, teacher or counselor suggestion, or by the students themselves.
Students must have parent permission to participate in a small groups. Letters describing what the group process is all about, with a permission slip enclosed, are sent to parents. Students must return the permission form before they can participate in a small group.
Elementary school counselors are available to meet individually with a student in circumstances when a student's educational success is being impacted. The school counselor spends time working with individual students to improve their social skills, discuss feelings, and to empower problem solving methods.
Elementary school counselors assist ALL children. While a counselor cannot provide on-going counseling, it may be appropriate for a student to receive short-term individual counseling. When more attention and intervention is required, school counselors can act as a referral agent for parents to access counseling services within the community.
To get an idea of what to expect at a typical session with the school counselor, you can view the webpage 'What to Expect at an Appointment' under the section 'Making an Appointment'.
Both teachers and counselors have similar goals: the educational success of each student. So, it is important that school counselors collaborate with teachers and administrators to promote student learning. If a student is having problems in a classroom, school counselors will join together with teachers to come up with some practical strategies which will remove educational barriers and enhance the learning environment of that student.
Parents and school counselors speak with each other to help the child/student on a variety of issues such as new school registration and transition, special needs, family transitions, and crisis situations. Studies have shown that children have greater academic achievement when their parents are involved in their education. Parental involvement is critical to helping a child be a successful student. Both parents and counselors can share information with each other to help meet the needs of the student. Additionally, school counselors can help put parents in touch with community resources, if the need arises.
School counselors can provide short-term individual counseling for students, but when more intervention is required, they can coordinate referrals to community agencies. Below is a list of local mental health agencies and other social service providers. If these agencies do not meet your needs, please contact the school counselor, who has a longer, more comprehensive list of social service providers.
Curricula and Programs
National Standards The American School Counselor Association (ASCA) is an organization that supports school counselors' efforts to help students in their academic, personal/social, and career development. ASCA has developed national standards for all students, which define the knowledge or skills students should acquire from the result of participating in a school counseling program. The guidance lessons taught in the classrooms are organized and influenced with these national standards in mind.
Academic Development
Students will acquire the attitudes, knowledge, and skills contributing to effective learning in school and across the lifespan.
Students will complete school with the academic preparation essential to choose from a wide range of substantial post-secondary options, including college.
Students will understand the relationship of academics to the world of work and to life at home and in the community.
Career Development
Students will acquire the skills to investigate the world of work in relation to knowledge of self and to make informed career decisions.
Students will employ strategies to achieve future career goals with success and satisfaction.
Students will understand the relationship between personal qualities, education, training, and the world of work.
Personal / Social Development
Students will acquire the knowledge, attitudes, and interpersonal skills to help them understand and respect self and others.
Students will make decisions, set goals, and take necessary action to achieve goals.
Students will understand safety and survival skills.
Kelso's Choice Resolution Program
There are many picture books that cover a wide array of social, emotional, or behavioral issues in young children's lives. Reading books to your children on some of these topics can be a great way to start a conversation with your child about problems that need to be addressed. Listed below are a few books that can be very helpful. You can click on the titles or the book covers and be linked to a more information on, but all these books are also available at our local North Central Regional Library.
Books About Interpersonal Communication:
Personal Space Camp by Julia Cook (ages 4-8)
Words are Not for Hurting by Elizabeth Verdick (ages 4-8)
My Mouth is a Volcano by Julia Cook (ages 4-8)
Books About Managing Emotions:
Sometimes I'm a Bombaloo by Rachel Vail (ages 4-8)
You Get What You Get by Julie A. Gassman (ages 4-8)
Wemberly Worried by Kevin Henkes (ages 4-8)
What to do When You Worry Too Much by Dawn Huebner and Bonnie Matthews (ages 6-12)
Books About Dealing with Divorce:
Dinosaurs Divorce by Marc Brown (ages 4-8)
What in the World do You Do When Your Parents Divorce? by Kent Winchester (ages 7 & up)
Books About Loss and Grief:
The Heart and the Bottle by Oliver Jeffers (ages 4-8)
Tear Soup by Pat Schwiebert and Chuck DeKlyen (ages 8 & up)
Books About Friendships and Bullying:
Stand Up for Yourself & Your Friends: Dealing with Bullies and Bossiness and Finding a Better Way by Patti Kelley Criswell (ages 8 & up)
Cliques, Phonies, and Other Baloney by Trevor Romain (ages 8 & up)
Making an Appointment
Reasons for an Appointment
There are many reasons that a student may want to make an appointment to see the school counselor. Below are some examples of the most common reasons.
a fear or a worry
difficulties in making and getting along with friends
a family problem
a school problem
A student may also be referred by a teacher or a parent to see the school counselor for various reasons. Below are some examples of the most common reasons:
Classroom or School Behavior Problems- shyness or aggression, motivational issues, daydreaming, test anxiety, constantly needs attention, or poor organization / study habits
Situational Adjustment Problems- transitions and loss through death, divorce, separation, blended families, new home, new school, or illness
Peer Difficulties- difficulties making or keeping friends, bullying or being bullied, or sibling relationship issues
A parent may want to make an appointment with the school counselor for various reasons. Below are some examples of the most common reasons:
Parenting Difficulties- discipline, communication, parenting skills, or homework issues
Child's Behavioral Issue- bullying, getting along with peers, or other social/emotional concerns
Referrals- parents may seek more intensive services for their child or family and the counselor can provide a list of local behavioral healthcare options
What to Expect at an Appointment
What might a student expect when meeting with the counselor?
Talking about things that are important to the student
Working on a plan to reach a goal
Reading stories that help them learn and understand more about themselves
Playing games to learn ways to relate with others
What might a parent expect when meeting with the counselor?
Meeting with a certified, specially trained mental health professional
Working out a plan for the child/student to be successful
Parent Resources
Recommended Books
The booklists below includes a number of books that can be very helpful for parents. If you click on the book title, you will be connected to a link on, where you can find more in-depth information. However, each book on these lists can also be found within our local North Central Regional Library system.
General Parenting Books:
Positive Discipline A-Z: 1001 Solutions to Everyday Parenting Problems by Jane Nelson, Lynn Lott, and H. Stephen Glenn
(This book offers an optimistic approach to disciplining kids with nonpunitive, constructive solutions. It covers planning ahead to prevent problems, understanding kids, and giving kids life skills.)
1-2-3 Magic: Effective Discipline for Children 2-12 by Thomas W. Phelan
(This book offers a method of disciplining children without arguing, yelling, or spanking)
Parenting with Love and Logic by Foster Cline and Jim Fay
(This book shows parents how to raise self-confident, motivated children by focusing on responsibility and growing character)
Books About Bullying:
Little Girls Can Be Mean by Michelle Anthony
This book offers a four step plan to help parents offer support for the friendships and social difficulties that face young girls as young as age 5.
The Bully, the Bullied, and the Bystander: From Preschool to High School-How Parents and Teachers Can Help Break the Cycle by Barbara Coloroso
A compassionate and practical guide to bullying. It covers information about how to identify bullies and protecting your child from succumbing to bullying.
Recommended Websites
Below is a list of websites that can be very useful for parents.
General Parenting Advice: This website provides parents with current, reliable, and practical information on a variety of parenting topics
PBS Parents This website is filled with information on child development and early learning This website offers resources for better parenting and answers many common questions that parents have. The website also offers free downloadable e-books
ADHD: This website has some great information about identifying ADHD, how it is treated, and what parents can do to help your child at home and in the classroom
National Institute Mental Health This website is a great resource for learning in-depth information on ADHD such as the causes of it and the treatment for it
Bullying: This website provides expert advice and many articles for parents on the topic of bullying
Anxiety Disorders Association of America This website offers information and support for those who suffer from anxiety and there is a section specifically about anxiety in children and what parents can do to help